
Tired, Sore, & Happy About It

I started 2019 really strong physically doing the GoRuck 50 miles in 15 days challenge.
Then I slowed down, which I really needed to do, to recover.

While I have done a workout every day, either rucking or shoveling snow, since Jan 3, I realized after looking at my Charity Challenge that I was starting to cruise.
I made my first 100 miles of workout distance in the first 6 weeks of 2019. 
Then it took 18 days for next 20 miles and 16 for next 20.
I was doing work but not pushing myself.
I think part of it was just getting bored on the treadmill. 
With all the ice on the ground, I just wasn't confident enough to go outside.

While at the gym this last week I found out about a program called ParkRun over in Eagan.
They do a timed 5k every Saturday.

I decided that since I have to train for both running and rucking events, I should do that 5k.

On Saturday, 20190323, I went over and did the 5k.
I was able to even jog the first 1/2 mile non-stop.
Jog/walk for the event and finished in 42:53. 
Then after I ran some errands and got home, I took my new pack (modified older pack from Mystery Ranch) out and did 1.4 miles.

On Sunday, I went out for 4.27 miles with my regular ruck. 
Good pace and was really happy with the total.
Only issue was that I was .3 miles short of my monthly Ruck.Beer 1000 ruck pound challenge.

Over all really felt good to get outside and do stuff even if it was a bit cool.

Went out this morning for a walk and did 2.74 with 35 pounds in my bag.
I also did 100 air squats with the bag on while I was out.
I would stop every 1/4 mile or so and do 10.
Figured that would be good training for events. 

Have a LOT of stuff coming up this year and need to make sure I stay smart about training but need to make sure to push myself to get better.

My first big one will be my Buddy Check 22k on April 27.
Then my GoRuck Scavenger the next weekend.
I have a credit for an event and could potentially do the GRL that weekend.
Not sure I am ready for the PT for an event yet but think I could handle the rest.
Just have to get my ruck ready (lock the plate in place since I have been training with sand bags in my bag.
Think I will see if I can find a pool noodle to help do that. 

Then in the beginning of June, I will be helping my brother at FANS and doing some miles myself.

The following weekend I will be doing the Eagle UP Ultra.
That one is the one I plan on doing as many miles as I can.
Whether they are all rucked or I do some rucking then go for miles without.

My big charity event this year will be the AFSP Out of the Darkness walk in September.
I am going to carry 22lbs in my back pack for the 22 Veterans that suicide every day. 
I will carry the weight to represent the weight that those thinking about suicide carry EVERY DAY. 
If I reach $250 in donations I will double that to 44lbs. 

If I reach my goal of $500 in donations, I will carry the 44lbs in my bag AND 2 10lb kettle bells the entire way.

I have close friends that have attempted suicide. 
I have talked to people that have been able to tell me what a gun feels like in their mouth when they pulled the trigger to practice for their suicide. 
I have seen the scars on their arms where they cut themselves. 
I have seen the effects of their attempts on their friends and family.

Health news:
Weight: 228.8

Tomorrow I go in to get blood work for Dr appt on Wednesday.

Some pics from my latest rucks.

