
Last Post of 2017??

It has been months since I posted.

I think I kind of gave up due to all the knee issues and gaining weight again.
Frustrations with my dog now, since he gets anxiety when left alone and he starts trashing the house if I leave him makes it harder to get to the gym since I have to lock him outside. This makes it even harder during the winter due to cold.

Stuff around the house has suffered.
It is hard to get motivated again to do anything from keeping kitchen clean to making more progress on getting the house organized.
Paulette has helped me manage but I have been seriously lacking.

I did make the decision to move forward with the weight loss surgery and regret not starting it sooner.

Went in to the doctor to do first of 6 sessions for doing weight loss surgery.

Since I have Blue Cross and they have a 1 time a lifetime policy, the doctor is recommending we go with the most aggressive of the surgeries, the Duodenal switch.

The surgery is an extreme metabolic surgery. I have become so insulin resistant that it is becoming a vicious circle for trying to lose weight. I use U-500. This is 5 times more concentrated than the normal insulin most diabetics take. I go thru my pump cartridge in 3-4 days. Taking the tube into account that means I go thru 150 units of U-500. This is the same as a normal diabetic using 750 units. If a non-diabetic took this amount, it could kill or permanently brain damage them. My body is so FRAKKED UP that I am basically having to take enough insulin to kill a normal person just to stay alive and mostly healthy.

I have to meet with dietician 5 more times and a psychologist 1 time before the main requirements are met.

Then I get to schedule it.

I don't have to lose any weight before the surgery but I can't gain any. Since I am at my absolute highest in my life, I know I need to do something. Today I weighed 374 lbs in shorts and tennis shoes.

At this point, It is going to right around my 2 Ultras, so either we do it early enough before those, or I will do the surgery right after, sometime late June or early July I would hope. Due to scheduling it might to a bit later than that. I guess we will see.

In the mean time, I have to work on diet stuff, since after the surgery, I have to have that on point.
First 3 tasks
1. Read the book they gave me with a bunch of information about the surgery.
2. Work on trying to have at least 100gm of protein a day and be careful of too many carbs. (Paleoish/Ketoish).
3. I need to journal at least 5 days of foods later in the month once I get the protein intake going.

My own first task is to journal on my blog again to follow this journey since I kind of gave up on it and haven't posted in 8 months.