
Scared to Run

On Thursday, 20210401, April Fools Day, I got hit while running by a vehicle.
They drove away, so it is a Hit and Run now.
This is the 3rd time I have been hit.

I called the police and gave them the information I had on the vehicle.
I know it isn't enough for them to do anything really.
They would have to be very lucky and have the person that hit me admit to it.

I was running early in the morning, directly away from the sun, wearing a hi vis yellow shirt, a flashing red light on my back, and was in a cross walk.
You can't get much more "safe" as a runner on the street.
And this person still managed to hit me. 

I got lucky that I only hurt my wrist a bit bouncing off of the vehicle.

This morning was the first time I was able to get out to run.
I felt all sorts of anxiety, worry, anger, sadness, and frustration about the run.
I was worried that I was going to be hit again.
Anger that someone would hit a person and drive away.
Sadness that something I enjoy would be so tarnished by other emotions.
Frustration that I was dealing with all of these emotions for something that I enjoy.

Why should I have to work thru all of these emotions to just go out for a jog.
I have thousands of miles on the road and I do my best to be safe.
I wear a lot of light when I run before sun up.
I wear high visibility gear. 
I run on sidewalk when I can or on the correct side of the road when a sidewalk isn't available. 
I plot my run so that I cross at cross walks where ever available or in very remote areas where there aren't crosswalks, I make sure to cross in very visible sections after checking carefully. 

I am not happy that I have been thinking about things I can carry in my hands that would damage vehicles if this situation arises again.
Can I wear/carry brass knuckles so I can punch a car?
Can I wear tactical gloves with hardened knuckles so I can punch a car.
Can I carry a kubotan spike to poke/scrape the vehicle or hit the glass to break out a window?

Do I need to buy a body camera to wear so I have photo evidence of people breaking the law and endangering me?
I don't want to have to go spend at least $150 for a basic camera or $500 for something like a GoPro just to have legal evidence to allow police to pursue criminals that are trying to kill me?

It might be different if I wanted to get a camera to document some special event like running an OCR or hike thru Yellowstone. 
Instead I am looking to buy something to help me against people that shouldn't be allowed behind a wheel as they pose a danger to the general public. 

I have been searching and found one I like but it isn't set for delivery yet.
The 7 LE is available but the new one is a serious upgrade. 
It is a 3rd of the price of the GoPro and the previous versions have great reviews on Amazon. 
Might just look for an older one too for now, just to get something.

More later as I work thru this.


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