
What is the Difference Between a Goal and a Dream???

I got a FB memory popup from a LONG time ago.

A GOAL is a dream with a plan and a deadline.

Many people have dreams.
They want to go somewhere, do something, or meet someone.
They spend time thinking about what they want, they DREAM about it.
They wonder what it would be like to do it.

What many don't do is to make a real plan.
You might have heard the phrase "The person who fails to plan, plans to fail." by Ben Franklin.
When it comes to dreams, it isn't so much as failing but it is more a matter of simply never accomplishing that dream.
Since some dreams might be something that can never be accomplished, like doing a space walk on the moons of Jupiter or being able to cast magic fireballs.

For dreams that can be accomplished, like doing a 5K or taking a cruise in the Med or learning a second language, plans need to be made.
Those plans need to encompass step by step guide on how to accomplish that dream.
Be it a workout plan, like Couch to 5K, to run that race, or a savings plan to buy the tickets to fly to the port and buy the tickets for the cruise, or find lesson plans or a classroom to learn that language.

A plan isn't enough tho.
That plan needs to have a deadline.
Some Day isn't going to happen for most people.

For the 5K, the deadline might be signing up for an event which locks in a set date.
Then taking the plan and applying it in such a way to be finished with that plan in time to accomplish that dream.
Couch to 5K normally takes 9 weeks to finish. 
To realistically set a SMART goal, find a race that is 9+ weeks out, sign up to lock that deadline in, and START.

For the cruise, work out the cost of all the various aspects for the trip, flight/cruise/tips/expeditions/incidentals/extra, work out when you want to go, build a budget to allow you to save the money in time, and START.
Keep in mind that the costs might change if the cruise is years out or seasons change from high to low.
Make the budget something that can be sustained without causing distress since the vacation fund is easy to plunder when an emergency comes up.

For the language, find an online/in person course that works.
There are many different ways to learn.
You might even have a friend willing to teach you.
Once you find the way and location you plan on learning, set a schedule and pay for the course.
Learning a language is harder to set a timeline for but if you can find a definitive way to set a deadline, it helps.
Maybe a trip or a presentation.
The main thing is that you need to have some sort of deadline to help keep you on task.

I will admit some goals can't really have a hard set deadline.
One of my goals was to lose enough to get my tummy tuck surgery done.
There was no way to set a hard deadline on that since it also includes a surgeon, insurance, and variables of how my body would react to the initial WLS.
But it was a goal for me.
I set the plan as simply working out on a regular basis, doing what the doctors/dietician/nurses recommended, and eating smart.
The deadline was a rolling daily task for me as I just kept the plan in the front of my mind and worked towards it.
In effect, the deadline was daily.
My daily task was to do, EACH DAY, the things I needed to do to get to the point where I could qualify for the tummy tuck.
This is harder for some as they have to have to keep that focus.
I have kept the focus for 18 months and am so proud of myself for doing that. 

With my tummy tuck happening in a week I have to switch goals.
I have started looking at races in 2020.
Currently I am signed up, thinking about, or plan on running these:
Fargo Go For Challenge, 5K & Marathon, 20190509. 
Eagle UP Ultra, 100K or 50K/50Mi, 20190608.
Chasing Bigfoot 25K, Sub 3 hour, 20190725.
Ragnar Relay Road MN, 20190816. 
Ragnar Relay Trail WI, 20190918. 
Las Vegas Rock 'N Roll Marathon or Half Marathon, 20191115.  
-- 5 hour time limit on the full means I might move down to the half depending on where I am before Oct 1)

Now I am heading to the gym to work on finishing my CharityChallenge for 2019.
I need 40 miles by end of the year.
Since I have my tummy tuck on the 9th and won't be able to really walk much for probably 2 weeks, I need to get as close to done as I can.
I guess I might get up to 10 miles after surgery by the end of the year but I don't want to depend on that time in case I am not up to speed yet. 
The plan today is to go long distance since it is a weekend.
If I can go 3 hours on the treadmill and get 10 miles, that gives me some leeway thru the week.
I don't want to go into next weekend needing a ton of distance to make my goal.


Say it with me:
Yes, I Am As Good As I Think I Am!!!
I Am Worth It

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