
Quick News

Finished my Minneapolis Halloween Half.
Just over 3 hours. 
Could have made it faster but had some GI issues and had to walk for a mile before I got to a stop with people and porta-potties so I could go. 
My overall average pace dropped 45 seconds a mile in that section.
I went back to my normal pace after so I know I could have kept going if I hadn't had to deal with it. 
No more wearing body suits on long runs. 
If I had been in shorts, I could have stopped earlier and gotten out of the stop faster. 
Oh well, live and learn and I am still happy with how I did, especially considering I hadn't really been training for the event. 

In other news, I went in for my tummy tuck consult.
She was extremely happy with my progress and is submitting for insurance approval. 
She recommends the full tuck, or as she called it a T tuck.
They would cut across from hip to him but also go up to my xyphoid process and pull all the skin in.
She also found some minor tears in my stomach wall that needs to be repaired. 
I am hoping that it is enough to get insurance to cover the full tuck. 

If I do the full tuck, I will be limited to some walking after 2 weeks and NO hard physical activity for probably 8 weeks. 
The stronger and better shape I am in before the surgery the better my recovery will be.
I just HAVE to take the time to recover so I don't injure myself. 

Starting the 5th week of my working out heavy.
I can tell I am making progress.

My arms are totally smoked right now too. 
I will post my full weekly workout on a different post later. 



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