
First off, I am going to apologize about not blogging for 6 months. 
I was so focused on what I was doing that I just didn't have the motivation for it.

So this summer, my major accomplishments:
Buddy Check Apr 2019 20190427
GoRuck Light Battle Baghdad 20190504
GoRuck Scavenger  20190505
Eagle UP (35 miles with ruck) 20190606
Buddy Check Jul 2019 20190721
Chasing Bigfoot 20190728
Ragnar Relay 20190816
GoRuck Star 12 Miler 20190824
AFSP Out of the Darkness w/80 lbs 20190915
Ragnar Trail Northwoods 20190920
Warrior 196 20190928

Not sure what I will do for the Buddy Check Oct 2019 20191020

I am signed up to do the Minneapolis Halloween Half on 20191026

My goal is not only to finish but I am hoping to be able to do it under 3:15 or even under 3 hours. 
If I can maintain my pace that I have been working out every morning at, I can do it under 3 hours but I am not sure I can do that which is why it is my stretch goal.

I am at 600 miles workout and event miles for the year.
This is training miles and miles doing events NOT daily steps.
Most of those miles are rucking but I have switched to doing running recently and am done rucking for the year. 
My goal was to get to 700 and I am well on pace to get that. 

Major news:
I am now off of every medicine I was prescribed, except my testosterone and that won't ever go away.
No more diabetes medicine.
No more high blood pressure medicine.
No more cholesterol medicine.

I am holding steady at the 190ish pound weight right now.
Approximately 18% body fat which is partially due to the loose skin.

I am starting the process and discussion for the tummy tuck surgery in early 2020.
I have decided if I can't get it early in the year, I will put it off until later in the year since the recovery time is anywhere from 4-8 weeks.
During that time, I will be on very limited exercise so if I don't have time to get back at it after the surgery before I start events next year, I will put it off until later in the year.

Speaking of events next year, there are 3 that are definite events.
Eagle UP Ultra in early June (goal is to do a 100k distance).
Ragnar Relay MN in August.
Ragnar Relay WI Trail in September.

Beyond those, I am open to ideas and suggestions. 
I do plan on just doing running events and not doing rucking much next year.
I will be doing strength training but want to concentrate on running to see what I can do and get back to compared to my USMC days.

I have started a weight lifting/strength program.
It is low rep high weight to try to build muscle mass and gain strength.
It is based on the The 5-Day Bigger Leaner Stronger Workout Routine program I found online. 
I have only done it for 3 weeks but I have already noticed some gains. 
I do about 1 1/2 miles on treadmill using the Galloway method then do lifting.
I finish each day with some ab work, planks, and then stretching/yoga movements I found online. 

I will do this thru Thanksgiving then switch over to more Functional Fitness and body awareness type work thru XMas then go back to the full strength work in January. 
I still need to find and develop a good program for December.
I know I am capable of jumping on a 12" box but I haven't been able to do that for so long, I have to stop and psych myself up to even try.
Same for other types of movements.
I need to gain confidence in my new body and what it can do. 
Ideas and programs for this would be appreciated if you know any. 

So a basic summary of numbers.
I am hovering around 190 so am saying I am down 185 pounds. 
I have lost 26" off my waist line.
I have lost over 20% of my total body fat and am hovering near the athletic level (tummy tuck will reduce it even more). 

So finally some pictures.
These were the pants I was wearing before my surgery.
They were getting too tight and I was looking to get bigger ones.

These are comparing 20191013 to 20180624



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